November 2022

Blue Origin’s Shahir Gerges discusses a post-ISS orbital economy at TC Sessions: Space

November 29, 2022

NASA’s plan to decommission and deorbit the International Space Station (ISS) by 2031 creates another collaborative, multinational opportunity to provide a persistent orbital presence. Yet, the path to achieving that goal remains unclear. Here’s the rub. No one knows exactly what that presence looks like, how it should be built, who would run it and […]

Blue Origin’s Shahir Gerges discusses a post-ISS orbital economy at TC Sessions: Space by Lauren Simonds originally published on TechCrunch

AWS adds automated agent monitoring to Amazon Contact Center

November 29, 2022

AWS introduced Contact Center, its customer service oriented product some years ago, putting it smack dab in the middle of enterprise applications. It also places the company in the position of competing directly with the likes of Salesforce and other established enterprise SaaS vendors. When you are competing in that space, you need some powerful […]

AWS adds automated agent monitoring to Amazon Contact Center by Ron Miller originally published on TechCrunch

Edtech Saasguru wants to fix the cloud talent shortage at scale

November 29, 2022

Cloud tech companies are facing a significant cloud skills shortage, making it hard to hire people and difficult to make sure their current workforce’s skills are up to date. Australia- and US-based Saasguru wants to narrow the gap with an edtech platform designed for new graduates and tech workers who want to become better at […]

Edtech Saasguru wants to fix the cloud talent shortage at scale by Catherine Shu originally published on TechCrunch

For $20 a month, you can host meetings in Mozilla’s mini metaverse

November 29, 2022

Mozilla’s Hubs offering has been kicking around for several years now. Lucas described a 2018 preview of the service thusly, “It’s not Second Life, or even Facebook Spaces; it’s pretty low-key. You’re just a humble robot hanging with other robots who are hopefully your friends.” The service has expanded features since then (including the arrival […]

For $20 a month, you can host meetings in Mozilla’s mini metaverse by Brian Heater originally published on TechCrunch

Amazon introduces AWS Supply Chain to help bring order to supply chain chaos

November 29, 2022

Over the last several years, we’ve seen supply chain disruptions the likes of which we haven’t seen previously. The pandemic led to a series of issues that spiraled into a full-blown supply chain crisis. Amazon wants to put AWS technology to work on the problem, and today the company announced a new supply chain solution […]

Amazon introduces AWS Supply Chain to help bring order to supply chain chaos by Ron Miller originally published on TechCrunch

AWS gets data clean rooms for analytics data

November 29, 2022

AWS today launched a new service that will help users inside an advertising or marketing organization share data with other employees inside their company or with outside partners, all without running the risk of inadvertently sharing personal data. This new service is part of Amazon’s new AWS for Advertising & Marketing initiative, which aims to […]

AWS gets data clean rooms for analytics data by Frederic Lardinois originally published on TechCrunch

AWS SimSpace Weaver can run city-sized simulations in the Cloud

November 29, 2022

At this morning’s Re:Invent keynote in Las Vegas, Amazon unveiled AWS SimSpace Weaver, a computing service that allows developers to run city-sized simulations at scale in the cloud. The service is designed to free simulation developers from the constraints of their own hardware. Amazon’s proposed applications here are city managers simulating a natural disaster to […]

AWS SimSpace Weaver can run city-sized simulations in the Cloud by Brian Heater originally published on TechCrunch