March 2023

FTC proposes new rule to make it easier to cancel free trials and subscriptions

March 24, 2023

The Federal Trade Commission has proposed a new “click to cancel” rule that would make it easier for consumers to cancel free trials, auto-renewals and subscriptions. The proposed rule change covers both digital and physical subscriptions, and would apply to gym memberships, streaming services, cable TV, newspapers and more. The FTC says it receives thousands […]

FTC proposes new rule to make it easier to cancel free trials and subscriptions by Aisha Malik originally published on TechCrunch

7 Ways Dating Apps Are Lying To You

March 24, 2023
When people are reduced to a profile picture and bio, it’s easy to forget that they are real human beings with complex emotions and experiences.

Dylibso raises $6.6M to help developers take WebAssembly to production

March 24, 2023

WebAssembly (Wasm for short) is an open standard that enables browser-based applications to run with near-native performance. It has also expanded to support non-browser environments, which is what is driving a lot of the recent hype around it. But like any emerging technology, it needs a stronger tooling ecosystem to realize its full potential. One […]

Dylibso raises $6.6M to help developers take WebAssembly to production by Frederic Lardinois originally published on TechCrunch