The real reason why oil and gas companies are bullish on carbon capture
Occidental CEO Vicki Hollub compared using CO2 in enhanced oil recovery to fracking, the technology that sent U.S. oil and gas production skyrocketing.
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How to ask OpenAI for your personal data to be deleted or not used to train its AIs
Users of ChatGPT in Europe can now use web forms or other means provided by OpenAI to request deletion of their personal data in order to stop the chatbot processing (and producing) information about them. They can also request an opt-out of having their data used to train its AIs. Why might someone not want […]
How to ask OpenAI for your personal data to be deleted or not used to train its AIs by Natasha Lomas originally published on TechCrunch
As another startup bank partner collapses, tech feels the gap
In the wake of FRB’s collapse, founders and investors continue to wonder: where is the best place to protect important assets?
As another startup bank partner collapses, tech feels the gap by Christine Hall originally published on TechCrunch
IBM Says 7,800 Jobs (or Nearly 30% of Its Workforce) Could Be Replaced By AI
Meta rolls out new discovery and personalization controls for Facebook Reels
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today that the company is introducing new features that make it easier for users to discover and personalize Facebook Reels recommendations. The company is launching new personalization controls for Reels that let users customize what they want to see more or less of. Now when you see a Reel, you […]
Meta rolls out new discovery and personalization controls for Facebook Reels by Aisha Malik originally published on TechCrunch