September 2023

How much can artists make from generative AI? Vendors won’t say

September 30, 2023
As tech companies begin to monetize generative AI, the creators on whose work it is trained are asking for their fair share. But so far no one can agree on whether or how much artists should be paid. A recent open letter from the Authors Guild signed by more than 8,500 writers, including Margaret Atwood, […]

Humane’s ‘AI Pin’ debuts on the Paris runway

September 30, 2023
You’d better believe that Humane is going to milk the media hype cycle for all it’s worth. After all, the company’s been buzzy since it first engaged with the media – well before it offered the slightest bit of insight into what it’s been working on. That’s courtesy of its being founded by high-profile Apple […]

Kick streamers consider leaving over CEO’s comments in a sex worker ‘prank’ stream

September 30, 2023
Streamers are leaving Kick en masse in protest of the platform’s lack of safety guidelines, after a prominent creator streamed an encounter with a sex worker without informing her that there were other people present. She was briefly prevented from leaving after she expressed discomfort, while Kick’s CEO posted laughing emotes in the stream chat.  […]

VW bails on its plan for a $2.1B EV plant in Germany

September 29, 2023
Volkswagen’s $2.1 billion plan to launch a dedicated electric-vehicle factory in Wolfsburg, Germany is kaput.  The automaker instead reportedly plans to modify its existing plants in Zwickau and Wolfsburg to handle production of a new flagship EV — the postponed Project Trinity — and an all-electric Golf hatchback.  This tracks with an earlier statement from […]