The brave new terabyte broadband world of 6G is coming, but not just yet

February 28, 2023

At a session on the future of 6G during Mobile World Congress, expert speakers from companies such as Samsung, the European Space Agency and Telefonica came together to give their views about how 6G will play out. The first thing to note is that it’s not arriving any time soon. The projections are that the […]

The brave new terabyte broadband world of 6G is coming, but not just yet by Mike Butcher originally published on TechCrunch

7 Innovative Ways to Invest in Real Estate in 2023

February 28, 2023
During and immediately after the pandemic, real estate mania swept the country. Housing prices went sky-high, and not just in large cities like New York. Every state seemed to see…

MortalKombat ransomware victims can now decrypt their files for free

February 28, 2023

Romanian cybersecurity firm Bitdefender has released a free decryption tool for MortalKombat, a months-old strain of ransomware targeting predominantly cryptocurrency users. MortalKombat, named after the popular video game franchise, was first observed by Cisco Talos researchers in January. The researchers said that the financially motivated gang had been deploying the ransomware to steal cryptocurrency from […]

MortalKombat ransomware victims can now decrypt their files for free by Carly Page originally published on TechCrunch

Putting the Boston in Boston Dynamics

February 28, 2023

When you name your company Boston Dynamics, certain geographical constraints are inserted into the operation. While the Spot-maker is, by many accounts, a global brand, it’s one that remains deeply tied to Massachusetts, even as it’s changed hands between owners in California, Japan and, most recently, South Korea. Headquarter a dozen miles outside of downtown […]

Putting the Boston in Boston Dynamics by Brian Heater originally published on TechCrunch