Marketing leaders should prioritize mental health by restructuring workflows, thoughtfully using technology and fostering a supportive culture to achieve sustainable success and innovation.
After buying my company domain name for over $1 million USD and completing hundreds of six and seven-figure transactions since, here are the five best pieces of advice I can offer to anyone looking to purchase ultra-premium digital real estate.
AI slop is the latest iteration of digital clutter. It’s the filler content produced by AI tools that prioritize speed and quantity over substance and quality. Here’s how to avoid it as a business owner.
Now is the time to leave the comfort zone paradox behind. Do not stunt your business’s future success by relying on the satisfaction you feel from your past successes.
Here’s how the transformative power of saying “thank you” emphasizes genuine gratitude, strengthens relationships, fosters positivity and enriches lives.
To tackle complex global problems such as preventing disease and mitigating climate change, we’re going to need new ideas from our brightest minds. Every year, MIT Technology Review identifies a new class of Innovators Under 35 taking on these and other challenges. On September 10, we will honor the 2024 class of Innovators Under 35.…
The Olympic Games in Paris just finished last month and the Paralympics are still underway, so the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles feel like a lifetime from now. But the prospect of watching the games in his home city has Josh Kahn, a filmmaker in the sports entertainment world who has worked in content…